Hatha Yoga & Remedial Yoga TherapyHatha Yoga classes with Rene at
Seed to Flower studio in Scarborough.
See Studio Timetable and rates below.
Rene also offers remedial Yoga therapy.
Contact her for more information
Yoga Class Fees:
1 x week = R 500pm
2 x week = R 900pm
Drop in class = R 150
One on one yoga – R600
Remedial Yoga Therapy
These are one on one sessions which include yoga asana, pranayama (breathing techniques) and Yoga Nidra ( Body asleep while mind awake and aware) and may also include massage appointments. Any discomfort can be alleviated through a combination of tools.
Physical discomforts & ailments:
Back, neck, shoulders, hips, limbs.
Mind discomfort:
Anxiety, fear, irritation, anger, grief.
Breathing Ailments: Breathlessness, asthma.
REMEDIAL YOGA FEE: R600 per hour.
Class Timetable
8.30 – 10.00am
5:45 – 7:30pm
8.30 – 10am